The Future Has Boundaries

Upon writing this blog post, I’ve been with Shaper/Caper for 360 blissful days. While I’d love to spend the next 300-500 words gushing about how wonderful we are before launching into a flawless rendition of Sister Sledge’s We Are Family; I wouldn’t be a very good Marketing and Digital Content Officer if I couldn’t stick to our content pillars! So, with this in mind, let’s reflect on the past year through a health and well-being lens – specifically looking at mental health.

Before I begin, I know what you might be thinking:

But Lucy, isn’t it a huge red flag when organisations call themselves a family? Isn’t that just code for no boundaries and unrealistic expectations?

To that I’d say:

Yeah, usually. But Shaper/Caper are most certainly the exception. Here’s why.


When I joined the team in June 2021 I was MEGA burnt out – can’t get out of bed, ignoring the phone level burnt out. I’m sure a lot of us felt that way. I’d totally lost myself and I was ready for a big change. Boy, did I get one.


When it comes to looking after the well-being of employees, Shaper/Caper are miles ahead of the curve. It’s no secret that the traditional working dynamic is dead. Living through a pandemic has made people reassess their lives and priorities, putting their own well-being at the very top of the list. People expect a certain amount of respect and freedom in their working lives, and lots of employers are now playing catch up with these rising (and very justified) expectations.


Shaper/Caper, however, are already exceeding these expectations. Free counselling sessions as part of my contract? Yes please! Flexible working hours that suit me and my routine? Geez it. The trust and freedom to take full ownership of projects? Don’t mind if I do. Back off Imposter Syndrome. You’re no match for the unwavering encouragement and praise of team Shaper/Caper!


The future is here, and Shaper/Caper are leading by example. We all have lives outside of our jobs, with value unrelated to our output. We’re worthy of kindness whether we’re having a good day or bad, whether we’ve met our goals or not quite. We’ve got that sweet, sweet work-life balance, which is no easy feat when working remotely.


What’s most refreshing is that these values are actually put into practice! I experience it daily. We’re not the type to just write up a Mental Health Policy and call it a day. We live and breathe it, baby. We support each other, we listen and learn, and we grow together.


My mental health has been nurtured and has tremendously improved over the last year. More importantly though, even on bad days, I feel safe, supported, and confident enough to say that I’m not okay.


So, yeah, we are like a family. But like a super cool, functional family that gives each other appropriate space and respect. Exactly as Sister Sledge intended.

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